The cpu-waterblock has a completely different holder (namely for amd64-socket). The dimensions for the brackets of an am2-socket are 95 mm x 48 mm for the mountingholes.

With two double strips of aluminium it's a precise fit for the am2-socket. Below are the strips.

I took the motherboard from the PC and had to puzzle a little with nuts and bolts. At the corners are m3 bolts with a 20 mm length. The motherboard (asus m2n-sli deluxe) has a metal backplate with four holes. The holes in the backplate however are 3,5 mm and the bolts don't fit (the holes are too big) . So the m3 bolts stick through and are fixated with metal and plastic bolts.
Now all is assembled, it is time to put coolingpasta on the cpu and attach the coolerblock. The whole is now attached firmly (not too firmly) as can be seen below.

The tube on the left will be for the intake of water and the tube on the right will be for the outtake. Air goes up, so that should be the proper way of attaching the tubes.
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