The idea I finally worked out is rather simple. For the design I decided to:
1. Make the internals of the PC apple green
2. Cut out a radio-active sign pattern from the side panel
3. Make the case completely black on the outside
4. Put AV-green transparant perspex behind the side panel
5. Assemble the system and use green UV-lights for a nice effect
To cut out the pattern from the side panel I will be using a plasma cutter. To get a 'Stalker' effect I will BURN a big hole in the side panel. It is fun and we will see how is works out.
Below is the case I used to start with. It is a micro-atx form factor case.

And next is the result after I spray-painted the inside apple-green.

After this I will cut out a radio-active sign pattern from the side panel with a plasma cutter.